Lesson Forty Five
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Memory Verse: Matthew 4:10
Further Study: Acts 19:21-41; The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 291-297, 346-358; The Bible Story, vol. 10, pp. 100-102
As I write there are about 70 days until the presidential election in the United States. If one pays any attention to the news whether on television or on a variety of news apps, there is much dissension on both sides. The rhetoric is constant—much of it tearing down the other side; some unkind or untrue. Mud-slinging has become an art form and the press, in general, stirs the rivalry in some unscrupulous ways. It is not uncommon to see a mob form with angry placards, voices, and chants outside a university, city government, or the White House.
Our story this week is about Paul, but interestingly, he’s not the center of the story. In fact, he’s not really even in the story other than to hear that he would like to be involved but is held back by friends. So, we watch a story unfold that is led primarily by Demetrius, a seller of silver icons of Artemis in a city where tourism was high as well as festivals and feasts to the goddess. Paul and his gospel have made inroads into Demetrius’ economy, and he decided to take his complaint to the crowd. They fell in behind Demetrius and soon there was a large and noisy mob crying out on behalf of the goddess. Two hours later a government official seemingly walked calmly out and within a few minutes persuaded the crowd to disperse. No lives were lost, and Paul was safe.
No lives were lost, and Paul was safe.
I found this story to be an interesting piece of what is stirring in the United States today. To be honest I have ceased to listen to much of the news or read many of the headlines because it can become too discouraging. Which side will win? And which is the lesser of two evils? Some of what is cast about, for me, is amoral and even, dare I say, evil. I ponder what life will be like under one administration, however, the other side has faults as well. I wonder about the voters and whether they will vote on deeper issues or simply what is before their eyes.
Of course, we almost know the answer. The election is happening this week, if you are reading this in November 2024 or later. But the reason this week’s lesson is important and amazingly timely is that the take-away message is loud and clear—no matter who is the United States president in 2025, God is in charge! In this story Paul is not featured. He does not walk in and save the day (or erupt further tensions). There is no miracle. There is nothing special about this nonbeliever who walked in and dispersed the crowds, saved the city, and the life of the Christian church. But it speaks volumes of God and His plan and care.
That same God is present today despite the political forces and opinions today.
That same God is present today despite the political forces and opinions today. There is a plan, and it leads to Jesus coming soon, no matter which side “wins.” May we not be distracted by all the voices, but may we also not hide our heads in the sand. Let us be interested in our government; be informed citizens; make wise choices; pray daily for leadership; and live as those prepared to meet Jesus when He comes again. And on that day, we will be renewed!
Digging Deeper
Ephesus was a place of tourism because of the temple of the goddess Diana or Artemis. Many came to worship at the temple and while there would purchase souvenirs such as Demetrius and other silversmiths were selling. When Paul arrived to bring Christianity, it meant less sales for them.
The temple of Diana was known as one of the seven wonders of the world. It was supported by 127 pillars, each one standing 60 feet high. In the middle of the temple was a black meteorite that either looked like a woman or had been sculpted to look like a woman. What was unusual about the goddess is that she had multiple breasts all over her chest, which symbolized what she represented—the goddess of fertility.
What is interesting is that the crowd didn’t react to Demetrius’ economic argument, but when he said that the goddess would be dishonored (Acts 19:27) was when they began to riot.
Making it Real
Elections can mean disappointment particularly when a country is divided as closely as the United States is. We all have times when things don’t go in the way we would like. Make a list of those times—three or four examples. Then think about how God was there in the process. What was the aftermath of the disappointment? How did God step in and make a difference?
Merle Poirier writes from Silver Spring, Maryland, where she works as the operation manager for Adventist Review and Adventist World magazines as well as the designer for KidsView, a magazine for 8-12-year-olds. She enjoys spending time with her family including being a grandmother to two active little boys, who greatly enjoy Starting With Jesus, and a granddaughter, who’s delighting everyone with her smiles. She is blessed to have all three living close by, continually bringing joy and delight.