Lesson Twenty Eight


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Memory Verse: Matthew 1:21
Further Study: Matthew 1; Luke 1:26-56; 3:2-18; Desire of Ages, 19-38; The Bible Story, vol. 7, pp. 9-30

We have two daughters, and now through their marriages we have two “sons.” Our daughters are blessed with wonderful Christian husbands who love and cherish them. My oldest daughter has two boys, our two grandsons. Her husband has proven to be a great help as they navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood. My youngest daughter, as I write, is pregnant with our third grandchild and first granddaughter. By the time you read this, this little one will be doing what newborns do best, keeping her parents from much needed sleep.

Watching your child have a child is an interesting experience. 

Watching your child have a child is an interesting experience. We watched her ever growing belly, heard the joys and aches of pregnancy, but even more importantly, we saw the happiness and contentment that exudes not only from her but her husband. Watching my son-in-law has been especially joyful as he cannot stop smiling when he talks of his soon-to-be-born daughter. He’s supportive in every way, from going to every doctor appointment and ultrasound, caring for the dog, bringing her things for comfort, and more. His actions tell me he will be a wonderful partner in this new experience called parenting.

“In the fullness of time” Jesus was born. We typically understand this to mean the time in this world’s history and we’d be right. But it was much more for Mary. If Gabriel had arrived with his announcement before Mary’s engagement, she would have certainly borne the burden of this birth and Child alone. Had the angel arrived after her marriage, no one including Mary and Joseph would know who the Child really belonged to—Joseph could easily have claimed Him as his own. But the announcement came at just the right time—during the engagement period when Joseph would know with certainty that Jesus was not his, but more importantly, Joseph became, for Mary, her biggest support system. God provided for Mary knowing that she would need encouragement, defense, and protection. He also provided Jesus with an earthly father for shelter and instruction.

God provided Jesus with an earthly father for shelter and instruction.

Gabriel’s greeting puzzled Mary. “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you!” (Luke 1:28). Some construe this to mean that Mary, herself, was a virtuous woman meriting such an honor. But it wasn’t that Mary deserved it, but that God had chosen her and provided for her. She would partner with God by bearing and caring for His Son, and God would provide a partner, Joseph, to care for her.

Today, we can read the same words: “Rejoice, highly favored one!” For we too are chosen by God for work that He has planned for us. This may mean being patient with a tearful toddler, calm with a bossy boss, or composed in the midst of chaos. And as God calls, He also provides. He offers His support through a spouse, family, or friends. In spite of anything and everything, we are favored. Blessed are we among women! Rejoice! We are renewed!

Digging Deeper 

It was important that Jesus be recognized as the “son of David” for it was foretold that the Messiah would count David as His ancestor (Isa. 11:1).

Matthew 1 lists a lineage of Jesus, and verifies He is descended from David when Joseph returns to Bethlehem to register (Matt. 2:6). What is challenging is that the lineage listed in Matthew is of Joseph. While it proves that Joseph is descended from David, Jesus was not descended from Joseph! So how does this work? Is the prophecy true? Yes!

Read the lineage of Jesus in Luke 3:23-38. If you compare it to the one in Matthew, it’s not the same. It still reveals that Jesus is of the lineage of David, but through a different son. Matthew has Jesus descended from Solomon eventually to Joseph—a worthy pedigree! Luke has Jesus descended through Nathan, another son of David and Bathsheba, also through to Joseph—still a son of David (verse 31). Why the difference? 

Commentators generally believe that Luke is outlining the lineage of Jesus through Mary, His biological mother, while Matthew outlines His ancestors through Joseph. People would naturally acknowledge Joseph as Jesus’ legal father. While it may not be accurate since Joseph is not Jesus’ biological father, it still allowed people to see Jesus as a descendant of David. How amazing! Prophecy is fulfilled through Mary, but God assures that it is recognized through Joseph. A double Son of David! Returning to Bethlehem for Joseph and Mary was to return to the town, not only as royal offspring, but to bear the Ultimate Descendant, the Prince who would become King of the universe.

Making it Real

We have no idea what Mary was doing when Gabriel suddenly appeared with an announcement that would completely change her world in ways she could never imagine. From what we are told she responds with calmness and curiosity. Imagine yourself in Mary’s position. What if God asked you to do something that you found impossible? What kind of response would you give? How do we prepare ourselves to partner with God?


Merle Poirier writes from Silver Spring, Maryland, where she works as the operation manager for Adventist Review and Adventist World magazines as well as the designer for KidsView, a magazine for 8-12-year-olds. She enjoys spending time with her family including being a grandmother to two active little boys, who greatly enjoy Starting With Jesus, and a granddaughter, born in 2023. She is blessed to have all three living close by, continually bringing joy and delight.


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